
Alright so after Barcelona we went to Scotland. We flew from Girona to Glasgow and had to take a train from Glasgow to Edinburgh at around midnight Sunday night. It was reeeally cold in Scotland, especially at night. But it was super fun just to hear the Scottish accent that I love so much... even if I didn't know what people were saying part of the time. When we got to our hostel we checked in and saw our amazing rooms. Really, amazing (well, at least by hostel standards). We had huge down comforters with duvet covers and clean sheets and looong beds (I love long beds, for obvious reasons) and everything was in working order. The bathrooms weren't too crowded and even though we had paid for 2 beds in a 4 person room, the other 2 were empty the first night so we got our own room. After checking in, we decided to head out and try to find a pub. We ended up wandering around looking for Dropkick Murphy's (a pub that the guy at the front desk recommended) for a while and...