
Showing posts from October, 2008

Site Visits and Slacking

Let me preface this by saying that I have been shrugging off the complaints of others that I have not been blogging enough, by rationalizing that it's only been a week and blogging once a week really isn't that bad. My discoveries today have been twofold: 1) it has not been a week, but rather two weeks and so I have realized that my concept of time is severely and irreparably skewed 2) my dreams of becoming a professional blogger will most likely never come to fruition. On this note, we embark: We can start off with a couple of weeks ago when a bunch of us went out to a club called La Maison, lots of fun. Lina didn't want to have her picture taken. Times 2. Or else that's a gang sign. The weekend after the visit to La Maison I went on an excursion to Pompeii. Three and a half hour bus ride there, 5 hours spent running around and a four and a half hour bus ride back. Very draining. But I did come out with this cool picture of me standing in front of Mount Vesuvius. Here

Weekend in Rome

I had a great weekend this past weekend just "relaxing" in Rome. Friday night Ashley and I got all dolled up and went out to a club called Smart Club semi-close to where we live (nothing is actually close to where we live, but that's both a good and a bad thing). Smart club was fun, we were just kind of running around looking for it and we saw some random club and the bouncer was waving to us asking is to go in. We decided it looked like it was bumping so we wandered in. Turns out we had actually wound up at Smart Club, but we didn't know until we were already in there. It was a fun club, there were 3 dance floors and loooots of italians. Almost no foreigners there. So Ashley and I stood out, like we always do :) When we got bored, we just decided to get home so we got home around 3. Saturday, Ashley and I didn't really have a productive day. We just hung out around Rome and wandered a bit, getting lunch and all that. Then we decided that we wanted to go


I'm just going to have to make a comment. This seems to be the best place to do it, so here it is: It is not a congressman/woman's job to be elected. It's their job to vote. It's their job to represent their constituency. I could honestly care less what the ramifications of their votes will be on their campaigns, I care about the ramifications for the country. I'm honestly getting sick of seeing article titles such as: "Bailout vote may be as risky as Iraq war vote". Who cares how risky it is? Aren't they getting paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to take that risk? Ugh. I had a conversation with my dad the other day about politics and the bailout and it's gotten me in a much more political mindset. Then last night, I talked with my homestay signora (who is a political journalist) about politics again. According to her, Europe is very affected by the American economy and political climate and so everyone here is following American news