Weekend in Rome

I had a great weekend this past weekend just "relaxing" in Rome. Friday night Ashley and I got all dolled up and went out to a club called Smart Club semi-close to where we live (nothing is actually close to where we live, but that's both a good and a bad thing). Smart club was fun, we were just kind of running around looking for it and we saw some random club and the bouncer was waving to us asking is to go in. We decided it looked like it was bumping so we wandered in. Turns out we had actually wound up at Smart Club, but we didn't know until we were already in there. It was a fun club, there were 3 dance floors and loooots of italians. Almost no foreigners there. So Ashley and I stood out, like we always do :) When we got bored, we just decided to get home so we got home around 3.

Saturday, Ashley and I didn't really have a productive day. We just hung out around Rome and wandered a bit, getting lunch and all that. Then we decided that we wanted to go out for dinner. We found a great restaurant in Trastevere that had margherita pizza (my fave) for only 3 euros for whole pizza. As in 10-12" diameter. Super good deal. So I was a happy kid. Also, house vino was only 8 euros for a liter, so we split that too. We had a long, late, typically italian dinner. Then we wandered over to Campo de' Fiori. We met some fun guys from Venezuela who, after thinking it over later, we were pretty sure were drug dealers. But it was neat because they spoke Spanish and Italian so they were kind of speaking a mixture of the two languages and it actually made it easier for me to understand. So that was a novel experience for the books (blogs). Then Ashley and I went to our friend Paul's work (he's a bartender) and hung out with him for a little bit. We were going to take him out with us, but that didn't end up working out. Then our friend Christina and an italian boy that she knew picked us up in a car (he had a car, that was seriously the most convenient thing ever... I had forgotten how great cars could be). He drove us to a club called Art Cafe but we didn't want to wait to get in so we decided to drive to another club. I think it was called Babel, but it cost too much money to get in so we walked to another club called Acab or something similar. The italian boy (Andrea) paid for all of us to get into the club which was super sweet and then Ashley decided that was the time to start spending ALL of her money on drinks. She was a little inebriated and she's pretty good about moderating her consumption even when she's drunk so after Christina and I had gone to the bathroom, we walked up to see Ashley just grinning at us. "What Ashley?" "Guess what!" "What?" "I bought you guys shots!!!!" Turns out, Ashley had bought a round for herself and Andrea but then decided that she was too drunk to drink that round so she saved it for us. At this point it was 4:55 and the club closed at 5. I was literally taking the shot as the bouncer was waving us to the door. So funny/ridiculous. Then we had to wait for about an hour outside the club while Ashley flitted around talking to everyone because she didn't want to be sick in Andrea's car. So that was funny enough, watching her make new friends all drunk and stuff. We finally got home and went to sleep.

The next day Ashley and I grabbed lunch and she went to a group project thing she had scheduled while I went back home and relaxed. We met up later and went shopping in Trastevere/Campo de' Fiori and I bought a pair of jeans for 15 euros and a dress for 10 euros. Good deals and I had been meaning to buy both of those. Now all I need are quasi-dressy black sandals and I'll be good to go. Perhaps high heels, we'll see how it goes. We went home and then later decided to go back to the same restaurant from the night before for dinner. We were seated in the same section and the waitress laughed when she saw us. I had the yummiest lasagna. This restaurant rocks because it's super cheap and yummy. It's called Casetta for all of you Italy residents who might be reading this. Then we went to the boys' apartment because I had an appointment to hang out and help Paul with Italian. There wasn't that much Italian going on though, but it was still fun. We got home early enough and went to sleep around midnight. Good times.

Also, yesterday Ashley and I booked our plane tickets for our second and final 10 day long break. We're leaving Thursday October 30th for Barcelona, then going to Glasgow (Scotland) November 2nd, then going to Paris November 4th and coming home (to Rome) November 9th. All four flights only cost 267 dollars.... dollars. Such a good deal. I'm a superstar! Oh and btw, loving that the exchange rate is starting to be my friend. It was sooo bad when I got here but now it's down like 20-25 cents. Shweet! Super excited about that trip. I'll keep you posted of any other trips that are planned for the future.

Today was fun, I got to italian class late and got asked to answer a question in italian as soon as I sat down. But I pulled it out and got it right so I didn't get in trouble, yay for knowing italian! We went to this bookstore and did a sort of worksheet thing, figuring out what's hip and cool on the italian book/film/music scene. Then Paul, Maurenna, Julia and I all went to the Pantheon to this place called Tazza d'Oro that's famous for this coffee drink that they have called Granita. So I had to get it. It was this slushie coffee drink with whipped cream. It was delicious but a bit expensive and I prefer cappuccinos so I'm just gonna stick with those in the future. Good time though. Then I just came home because Italian was the only class that I had today so I've been relaxing, watching movies, listening to music and doing homework the whole afternoon. Can't wait for yummy dinner! Ciao!


Opus #6 said…
Great update! I want that food for myself! Yummmmmm!

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