Thanksgiving in Rome
So Ashley and I decided quite a while ago that we were going to make Thanksgiving in Rome. We just can't live without it. So finally, the day rolled around and we put on a show. We had told our signora to invite a friend and we had invited our friend Matt, so we were able to show a whole group of Italian people what Thanksgiving is all about.
Ashley did all the grocery shopping, bless her heart. I only had to go out and get the stuff that was forgotten. Because what is Thanksgiving without having to go back to the grocery store multiple times? Then we spent hours and hours cooking and preparing everything. We made deviled eggs, turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green beans, carrots, gravy, cranberry sauce, and apple crisp. Our signora brought a cake, her friend brought cookies and Matt brought vino. Everything was delicious and cooked perfectly. The sweet potatoes were a little bizarre because Italian sweet potatoes are not like American sweet potatoes. I was the only one who really enjoyed them and that was just because I'm obsessed with brown sugar. We did a great job if I do say so myself. The 5 of us just sat, drinking wine, eating and talking. It was a great evening and we didn't even get done with dinner and dessert until 2 in the morning. Quite an experience and my first Thanksgiving cooked without parents!
Some pics:
The 5 of us well into the dinner
Ashley and I with our signora
Matt cutting the turkey, he was really a perfectionist about it :)
Proud cooks!
Check out that spread!
I made great friends with this turkey. I got to give it a bath and stuff it and rub it down with oil... super fun.
The cooking process. We kind of tore apart our signora's kitchen. But we cleaned it all up that night before we went to bed. Every last dish.
Ashley did all the grocery shopping, bless her heart. I only had to go out and get the stuff that was forgotten. Because what is Thanksgiving without having to go back to the grocery store multiple times? Then we spent hours and hours cooking and preparing everything. We made deviled eggs, turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green beans, carrots, gravy, cranberry sauce, and apple crisp. Our signora brought a cake, her friend brought cookies and Matt brought vino. Everything was delicious and cooked perfectly. The sweet potatoes were a little bizarre because Italian sweet potatoes are not like American sweet potatoes. I was the only one who really enjoyed them and that was just because I'm obsessed with brown sugar. We did a great job if I do say so myself. The 5 of us just sat, drinking wine, eating and talking. It was a great evening and we didn't even get done with dinner and dessert until 2 in the morning. Quite an experience and my first Thanksgiving cooked without parents!
Some pics:
