
Alright folks, let's do this thing. I just got back from Oktoberfest today and I'm already blogging about it (will wonders never cease?). Alright, so the flight was uneventful and quite short. After flying into Munich on Friday morning, Ashley, Cara, Laura, Anna and I all got on the metro and made our way to our campsite. It took us a while to find it because the directions we had were seriously wrong. But we finally made it and I took this picture of our campsite which was at Olympic horse stadium (that's how I got this nice aerial view, bleachers). Then we all made our way to Oktoberfest itself and Ashley and I took the picture when we first arrived, aren't we cute? Then we got into the Paulaner tent and grabbed ourselves a table and some beers. Paulaner beer is the best beer I've ever tasted. Anyone who knows me knows that I don't (didn't) like beer, but my first sip of Paulaner and all I could think was "wow that's good". Definitely my favo...