That being said, let's start off with the ferry ride over to Mykonos. We took the superfast ferry and actually had reserved seats so that was a nice departure from the first ferry. When we arrived in Mykonos, our resort (Paradise Beach) picked us up at the port and drove us to where we were staying. That was a nice touch. Once we arrived, we checked in and found out that we were staying in a box. No seriously. This was our first taste of Mykonos:
However, I believe the box started us off on the right foot. Once we realized we weren't going to be prissing it up like we did in Pension Stella, Ashley and I essentially let loose. So that day, we went out to the beach and sat for about an hour and ended up meeting the "scuba guys". They basically told us how exorbitantly priced scuba diving was and then told us some insider's advice on getting around Mykonos. They told us that we needed to rent an ATV because the party at Paradise Beach ends at around 10 or 11 and that we would need an ATV to get into the town to continue the party. So we took a bus into the town proper and rented and ATV from "the ATV guys". We asked them where the best places to party were and they told us to meet them back at the ATV rental place at midnight and they would show us. Alright so va bene, we had plans.
We then ATVed back to our box and proceeded to get ready to go out to the club at Paradise Beach, the Tropicana. We got there and the club owner was this crazy guy who kept screaming into the mike "open your minds, open your pussies" (I warned you, crazy things are afoot in this blog post). Then he found Ashley and me and asked us where we were from. (Now, before I go any further, I should point out that Mykonos is known as the "gay island"). Once he found out that we were from, he yelled into the mike "two lesbians from California!" We later had to set him straight, but that was good for a laugh. It was also cute to see all of the guys' disappointed faces in the club when they thought we were lesbians... haha. After that, Ashley wandered off as she is wont to do and so I decided to frollick in the water (I had my bikini on under my clothes). Well, I got cold and I was waiting for Ashley so I decided to sit down next to two french guys who were smoking and drinking on the beach. They offered me some whiskey and coke so I decided that they were my friends.
Then we had a good chat while I waited for Ashley and then I convinced her to come hang out for a bit. We all chatted and drank together for a bit and then Ashley and I had to run to meet up with the ATV guys. So we ATVed over to our rendezvous point and then followed the guy to this restaurant in the middle of the town. The restaurant was closed but the guys we were with knew the owner so we just sat at a table with them outside the restaurant and they gave us free wine. We really wanted food though because we were both starving so they told us to follow them on our ATVs because they were out of food (at a restaurant, yeah right). We followed them on our ATV to this Greek mansion owned by the restaurant owner. It was a gorgeous house on the very top of the island and it was large and in charge. I feel I should also mention that at this point in the evening, one of the Greek gentlemen, Marco, was getting a bit too friendly. He kept trying to attack Ashley and I. So, naturally, Ashley leaves me in the house with Marco, the restaurant owner, and this really cool guy named Matt. Matt was British and he was essentially my protector for the evening. Marco kept trying all kinds of crazy things like turning on porn, undressing and generally being a cad (can't believe I used the word cad, but it appears to fit nicely). So I just decided to eat the food that they had given us (red snapper and shrimp... yummy), watch soccer and talk to Matt. Then Ashley came back in and we skeedaddled. Oh and apparently Ashley talked to the owner guy and he told her that he was remodelling his front yard and was going to put in a giant pit like the one from 300 and he was going to train spartan warrior children on his front lawn. Just thought I'd throw that little gem in there.
The next day, Ashley and I got up for breakfast (they gave us free breakfast, so that was kind of cool) and then decided to hang out on the beach for a few hours. Afterwards, we went into the town of Mykonos to explore and get lunch. I got a gyro and Ashley got a Greek salad, our two respective culinary obsessions in Greece. We also ended up finding this hilariously crowded store where Ashley bought herself a diary. Here's a picture so you can get and idea of just how crowded it was:
Then we ATVed back to Paradise Beach and took naps and then got ready for the evening. We found french boys on our way to the club (Pierre and Constantin were their names) and told them that we'd find them later. We then went to the club and danced all around, drinking for free and basically having a grand time of it. Then we found the french boys somehow and we all decided to roll out to Mykonos town. We went to this bar where we all danced and were having a really good time and then Pierre and I sat and taught each other French and English. Well, he actually spoke English quite well but he taught me French, well he tried at any rate. Then Constantin and Ashley came out and we went to Scandanavia which was the famous discoteca of Mykonos. When we got in there we danced for a bit but I wasn't really feeling it so I went outside and met this random italian guy who kept trying to get me to let him touch my feet. He was hilarious but I wasn't about to let him touch my feet so I just kept telling him in italian that Pierre was my boyfriend, haha. Then Pierre and I just chilled and spoke French to each other for a bit (I wish I could speak French...) and then we all rolled back to the land of the boxes. Here's a picture of Pierre, just for reference:
I know. Anyway, the next morning Ashley and I decided that we were going to spend the entire day on the beach and then party that entire night. Our amiche from back in Santorini found us on our beach and we had Pierre take a picture of us in the water:
Also, at Paradise Beach there is a large rock thing about 15 meters from the shore just chilling with a bunch of plants and grossness on it. I decided, being the exploratory person that I am, to go climb on the rock. It was really yucky but Ashley took a picture so I guess it's ok:
The last night, Ashley and I went to the Tropicana and danced on the bar for free drinks which was fun. Then we found french boys on the beach and chilled for a few hours. Then I passed out, (I know, I'm ridiculous), and the three of them rolled out to the bars and left me to sleep for a bit. Then when they got home, Pierre and I chatted for a bit and then I slept some more. Here's a random picture from some part of that evening or the evening before in the box: