I'm here!
Okay so I'm finally in Rome. The flight was wonderful and I'm not really experiencing bad jet lag... yet. It might hit me later but I'm crossing my fingers. I haven't let myself take a nap because I want to get my body on the right schedule. My homestay is really quite wonderful. Ashley and I each have our own room and we're staying with a wonderful woman who is going to cook 2 meals a day for us. She's sweet; and she's speaking Italian to us and I actually understand her! I'm so proud of myself. Best news ever? We have internet in our homestay!!! For free!!! I don't have to pay for internet!!! I reeeallly lucked out on that one. Now I'm able to skype and email and blog and facebook to my heart's content.

Here's a picture of (Corsica?) one of the islands off the coast of Italy that I took from the plane:

It looked really cool from the air. I'll take pictures of my homestay later and post them.
Also, today's my birthday! I'm finally 20 like everyone else I know. This trip is really the most amazing birthday present that anyone could have asked for. It was funny because while I was on the plane I kept thinking, okay so I'm 20 in Italy but I'm 19 in California and what am I on the plane? Also, I ended up losing 9 hours of my birthday, haha. Oh well, at least it wasn't my 21st :)
Oh and Eric and I had a great time in Vegas over the weekend. We stayed at the Luxor and it was fantastic. The first night our room was kind of hokey: shower overflowed, double instead of a king and the A/C didn't work (not a good time, that). But we upgraded the next night to the most beautiful room:

It was a gorgeous suite with a jacuzzi tub and a big comfy bed. We had fun for our last weekend together. We hung out with friends, went out to explore the strip, went down to the casino (where I got some hardcore gambling-watching going on), and played in the pool. A very good weekend and a fitting note to depart on since I won't be seeing him until May :( But thank goodness for skype, that's all I have to say!