This part of the post is dedicated to Ashley:

There was this hilarious little Asian kid at the stop for the tram today. He kept glaring at me in the same way that my little brothers do when they're trying to intimidate me (as in-not effective in the least, but amazingly adorable). So I'm cracking up, and then this kid starts doing some Dragonball-Z, ninja-style moves. Ashley snapped a few pics so here they are:

Funny kid. Anyway, we were at the tram on a Sunday because we went to the beach today. It's a beach called Ostia. We had a fun time trekking through the city trying to find the piramide train station but we eventually found it, here's a pic:

Then we go on the train and it took us to the beach. We were going to get off at Lido Centro (the main stop in Ostia), but then an italian guy on the tram told us that we should wait to get off so that we could go to a part of the beach that all of the italians go to, instead of the part filled with tourists. So we went the way this guy suggested and eventually wound up at a really nice beach. I kind of got the impression that this guy wanted to spend the day with us after showing us the way (he was by himself), but we really didn't want to spend the day with a guy we didn't know, so we thanked him for his help and then went for a walk down the beach. The water was really pretty and cool and it was fun until we walked onto the nude part of the beach. I'm not talking topless nude..... penises. Everywhere. So we promptly turned around and found a relatively penis free beach (even though the penises seemed to mysteriously follow us... go fig). But here is a picture of the beach itself:

And here's a picture of Ashley and myself:

And here's a picture of Lina and myself:

It was a fun day and the beach was the perfect temperature. I didn't get burnt at all which I was thrilled about (I wore spf 50). The travel back home wasn't bad and we stopped and got pizza and beer (I didn't get beer, yuck) on the way back. Now I'm at home, tired once again so I must go. Ciao.
After we sppoke I found the email in the spam folder as anticipated- nice blog! I am pleased you are making new friends and off to such a great start. I look forward to monitoring your progress throughout the semester. We should have Skype all set up for video this week.